Friday, May 17, 2013

Videos 25-36

I once asked the staff in a Bible Creationist museum how plants, being created on the third day, could survive without the sun which was created on the fourth day.  She answered, "Plants can survive for 24 hours without sunlight."

I am sure many people have similar questions.  In making these DP videos,
 I try to anticipate what kinds of issues & questions might be asked by viewers. If these questions are not addressed, the viewer will lose interest.  

The viewer might be a biblical creationist who regards the Bible as God's perfected Word or an agnostic humanist who probably views the Bible as a human document, limited by the author's cultural norms and superstitions.  A liberal Christian is somewhere in the middle.

Divine Principle text is located on the bottom half of the video screen (see the image above).  I will add pictures and words to the top half of the screen.  Sometimes, these words and pictures are commentaries.  Other times the images and words mirror the DP source.  On still other occasions  the words and images either illustrate 'real world' examples of the abstract concepts or they are allegories to clarify the DP text by analogy.

25.  Six 'Days' of Creation (long version)

25.  Six 'Days' of Creation (short version)

25.  Adam & Eve: not Created Perfect

27. The Two Realms: Growing & Perfection

28.  Rulers, Mediators & Microcosm

29. Adam & Jesus

30. The Physical Self & the Spiritual Self

31. Spiritual Energies & the Spirit Self

32. Becoming a Divine Spirit

33. The Conscience

34. The Forbidden Fruit

35. The Tree of Life

36. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Videos 13-24

The images of spirit (dove) and truth (light) are shown and discussed in several of these DP Outreach videos.

Truth opens up the intellectual side of our mind to understand.   By itself, it is oftentimes not enough to transform us into the kind of person which the truth beckons us to become.

The music in these videos touches our emotions.  Together with the truth, our hearts can be moved.  This is where the Spirit may come in.

The Spirit is God's presence of heart.  It calls us into a relationship of love.

Truth can be likened to the key.  Spirit is like the keyhole.  When both are engaged inside of us, we unlock a new realm of life and love.  This is rebirth.

13.  Circuit of Heart

14.  Adam & Eve

15.  Two Kinds of Multiplication

16.  How are Human Beings in the Image of God?

17.  God's Greatest Joy

18.  Spin & Orbit: Individual and Whole Purposes

19.  Two Kinds of Object Partners

20.  Three Great Blessings

21.  True Parents of Humankind

22.  The Value of Creation & All Things

23.  Human Value

24.  Beauty & Righteousness

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Videos 1-12

The teachings of the Unification Church (Family Federation for World Peace & Unification) can now be studied in the comfort and convenience of your homes and neighborhoods.

These videos are designed intentionally without narration to allow your own heart, conscience and discernment to ponder over these words and ideas.

These teachings are meant to support and add depth to many of your own cherished beliefs and ideas.  

These teachings are not meant to create a new religion but rather, to infuse all faiths with a deeper connection to one another and to allow the one true heart in the cosmos which God possesses, to dwell inside of us all, thus ushering a new age of universal values, mutual benefit and interdependence.

01.  Causal Reality

02.  Yang & Yin

03.  Internal & External

04.  God's Dual Characteristics

05.  Image & Symbols

06.  Universal Prime Energy

07.  Circular Motion

08.  Common Base

09.  Origin Division Union

10.  Three Object Purpose

11.  Four Position Foundation

12. Existence as Orbits

These teachings come to us at a price; the blood, sweat, tears from prayers and sacrifices of Reverend and Mrs. Moon under the totalitarian regimes in northern Korea and later, under the prejudice and persecution in both South Korea and the United States.

Moreover, these teachings come upon the historical sacrifices laid by the saints and prophets of the Old and New Testament Ages.